

  • 某大型汽车制造公司
  • 合肥 
  • 30K - 35K 12薪
  • 本科



  • 【Brief description】
    Roof engineer is responsible for the development, localization, integration and validation of roof system, according to the company strategy and project targets, as well as installment of development competences of roof system.
    【Key tasks】
    1.Coordinate the roof system topics and communication with Group and act as general contact from the department about the production topics.
    2.Ensure legal compliance, technical quality, on time, in cost and budget delivery by analyses, testing, evaluation, further development and appropriate project management.
    3.Initiation and conduction of vehicle and component development project.
    4.Report and align information, status and outcomes to supervisor.
    5.Document all product changes, decisions and important meetings as well as compliance relevant issues.
    6.Report achievements and deviations. Prepare status reports & decision paper for your supervisor and upper management. Report on critical issues / job stoppers to supervisors and develop approaches to solve issues regarding your working field.
    7.Proactively drive set-up of new topics & processes as well as improvement of current processes by identifying gaps or loops within your working field.
    8.Proactively initiate training demands for this position as well as support & mentoring for unexperienced team members.


  • 【Qualification and skills】
    1.Bachelor in Mechanical Engineering, automotive engineering or similar
    2.Minimum 3 years of working experience in automotive industry in roof system part development or within related areas.
    3.High inter-cultural competence, international experience, good relationship and connection within in the Group is a plus. Tools like Catia, CAD Tools, etc. system is a plus(AVON, KVS, Connect, etc.).
    4.Fluently in Chinese & English.

如果您对于上述职位感兴趣,欢迎您邮件联系salinna.shi@fatalent.com 或者来电咨询

Reference Number:

Contact Details: salinna.shi@fatalent.com